Thursday 8 May 2014

Getting to Know the Neighbours: Toronto NSW

The boys Aunt Mary's house is in a place called Toronto which is just outside Newcastle, New south Wales. This is about 1.5 hrs drive north of Sydney. Can you believe there’s a place called Toronto in Australia!

First thing we need to do is explore the garden, where Kieran and Sean discovered many different types of flowers and plants. The garden has lots of paths but it can be hard to see the boys hiding in the tropical garden where plants grow very high. Look carefully and you might see Sean and Kieran peeking out from behind a tree. We now are trying to press some of the flowers for Kieran and Sean to take home to Canada.

Back at the house we have early morning visitors: Mrs Butcherbird and her family arrive for breakfast. Kieran can now imitate their call and they fly onto the deck rail to eat the food he leaves for them. The next family to arrive are the noisy Kookaburras. They watch from nearby tree branches and when the boys have placed some meat on the rail they swoop down to have a feast. 

Stay tuned for our next blog on the adventure with Pelican birds

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