Wednesday 30 April 2014

Touchdown Sydney!

After a very long journey Kieran and Sean have now safely arrived in Australia.

The boys were fantastic during the flights taking advantage of all the amenities available ..... food, drink, movies and video games helped pass the time away. Here's a pic of Sean and Kieran settling into their seats for the flight from LA to Sydney. We were all greeted at Sydney's airport by Aunt Mary and Uncle Chris.

Kieran and Sean were so anxious to get the activities rolling, so after a quick visit to Uncle Chris' for a quick change, we were all off to the beach.

Sean just loved playing in the surf and building sand castles and Kieran is off to a great start on his sea shell collection.

After a few hours at the beach, we were off to explore the rock pools along the ocean shore on the other side of Cronulla beach.

The boys found starfish, crab, shell fish, seaweed, and other neat things.

By the end of the afternoon the jet-lag was starting to catch-up with everyone. The boys legs were so tired from running in the sand and climbing rocks that Dad and Uncle Chris had to carry them home on their shoulders.

Can't wait until tomorrow

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