Saturday 29 March 2014

Well, this is our first attempt at creating a blog, so fingers crossed all goes well.

Kieran and Sean are so excited to visit Australia, and thought it would be a great idea to write a blog to share their experiences with family and friends, especially everyone at St Stephen's School in Cayuga.

The boys can't wait to visit their family in the land Downunder, and are especially excited to try all kinds of neat stuff. Kieran wants his Uncle Chris to teach him to surf ... and scuba dive! Sean is desperate to see a kangaroo.

Mum, on the other hand, is somewhat concerned about the long flight with a 7 and 5 year old! "Don't worry" says dad, "what could possibly go wrong? The plane has movies and video games on demand with food and beverages delivered to your seat" This comment is usually met with rolling eyes, but I'm sure mum will be fine once the flight attendants deliver some nice Aussie wine!

Just going through our checklist now before the adventure begins

Passports - check!
Suitcases - check!
Sunscreen - check!
Sunglasses - check!
Shorts and t-shirts  - check!
Sandals - check!

Stay tuned for our next update

Kieran and Sean Kelly


  1. You need to create a Google+ account to leave comments on Kieran and Sean's blog. I haven't figured out how to include photos in the "comment" section yet, so if anyone knows anything about this, please let me know via comment box.

  2. Things to add to your checklist:
    Warm clothes
    Warm pyjamas

  3. Will do. Look forward to seeing everyone again real soon.

  4. Excellent Blog. Great Stories.

    Derrick Willcott
